Rogue's gallery

I'd like to thank the following people, who were all kind enough during the last 12 hours to send me unsolicited emails offering deals on unusually-named and randomly-spelled drugs, stock market tips, cheap software that I either don't want or already own, custom-designed logos for my business (presumably to replace the logo I custom-designed myself), search engine optimisation or the opportunity to have sex with their mothers, their neighbours, their pet dogs, or all three:

Frederick Alston, Joey Anderson, Efrain Bailey, Patrick Barnard, Julia Beatty, Bennie Blackmon, Eldon Block, Mollie Boyd, Clarice Browning, Grady Bruner, Natasha Buckner, Owen Cain, Evelyn Charles, Clayton Clement, Melissa Conway, Rachel Cooke, Josh Dickens, Lynn Downing, Bettie Driscoll, Harrison Duke, Fay Edmonds, Christy Egan, Evangelina Emery, Marla Ervin, Weston Flanagan, Bettie Forbes, Gwen Fowler, Kathy Fox, Jamie Goldberg, Jarred Gray, Marcelino Gregory, Pauline Gregory, Mandy Haney, Fabian Hardy, Bradford Henderson, Ophelia Henderson, Jaime Hightower, Colby Hilton, Sandra Johns, Julie Jordan, Wendell Katz, Jonas Kidd, Angelita Kiser, Evan Lackey, Esperanza Love, Darren Mann, Cathryn Mcbride, Christian Mcclain, Norberto Mcintyre, Yvonne Mitchell, Tim Myers, Marilyn Orr, Brady Pace, Jerald Pettit, Bryce Petty, John Pineda, Israel Prescott, Dale Queen, Antoine Read, Cain Reha, Lon Richard, Catherine Ricks, Roland Ricks, Julius Rosales, Antony Roth, Trudy Sadler, Genevieve Sheets, Matt Short, Carlton Sims, Myles Skinner, Ann Smith, Sidney Sorensen, Melva Swift, Willard Thomason, Flora Villarreal, Rosalie Voss, Rick Wang, Taylor Weston, Kimberly Wright, Jo Yang, and Hiram Youngblood.