Dual-purpose post

Yes. New haircut. Requests to see it. Seven across the three versions of this journal. Are you all mad? Or is it just me?

Me, I suspect.

Well, here you are. Two for the price of one.

The new haircut is much like the old haircut
The emperor's new haircut
Much like the last one really, only a bit different. Sorry if I raised people's expectations unduly.

The second one is my submission to Greenpeace's 'virtual march' against whaling. This is a vast photo gallery of people holding up signs opposed to whaling which will be displayed during the forthcoming International Whaling Commission (IWC) meeting in Ulsan, Korea – a nation that is considering flying in the face of international opinion by taking up this thoroughly distasteful industry.

Greenpeace organisers write:

It is impossible to bring you physically here, to the “Whale embassy”, to fight together for the life of whales. This is why we invented this new concept, the “Virtual March”, where, by sending your photo with a banner expressing your rejection for the killing of whales, you can actually be in Ulsan. Your photo, together with thousands of others, will be published in our web site and, from the day the IWC meeting starts, projected on the walls of the building where the meeting will take place.

Beware if you visit the site at work – it's irritatingly noisy and rather slow to load.

My submission to the Greenpeace Virtual March against whaling
Pardon my Korean
This is my submission to the Greenpeace Virtual March against whaling.

And here I am on the site.