The blog

  • Ethel?


    From the testimonials page of “This is just a quick note to say thank you so much for coming up with such a great web site. Before Hot or not all I had was rowing and skiing, with the occasional drink at the weekend. Now I have met many interesting people, including my girlfriend…

  • So far so good…

    So far so good…

    Tonight was my first meeting as chair of the Hounslow Borough Liberal Democrats… almost a full turn-out and our new prospective candidate for the Greater London Assembly elections was also there. Went pretty well, I think – today Chiswick High Road, tomorrow the world! That was a joke, by the way. Not hubris. Not at…

  • ick cubed

    ick cubed

    Working from home today, still feeling like I have cotton wool between my ears instead of grey matter. Managed to do the round-up of education news from today's papers for teachers, but it was awful hard going – and I don't think the result ranks terribly highly among my writings…

  • 2(ick)


    Been off work sick today. Raging cold, which also seemed to drag indigestion along for the ride. Feel seriously crappy. Ray of light: Lisa working from home, breaking away from the computer regularly to provide hugs or peppermint tea or both.

  • Grrr


    Once more I'm in an office full of people on their first day back after the holiday, all asking each other how it went. I wish I wasn't so grumpy.

  • Ick


    Gone down with a heavy cold in the last 12 hours. Feel really crappy and my nose is running faster than a doped-up Canadian sprinter. Still, you know what they say – if your nose runs and your feet smell you're obviously upside down.

  • Astonishing


    Jeffrey Archer has demanded a formal apology from the prison service for the way they've been treating him. What planet is he on? Apparently he's not happy with what happened after he broke the terms of his home leave and went to Gillian Shepherd's party some months back (I feel for her – she's a…

  • Cheated


    Everyone's back at work now, and the office is buzzing. Well, showing signs of life at least. People are picking up where they left off on December 23rd and asking each other how their break was, and I'm feeling cheated. It was my choice to work the 27th, 30th and 31st – I could have…

  • Take this, that and the other

    Take this, that and the other

    So Mark Owen won Celebrity Big Brother… I'm kind of glad, although I wanted Anne or Sue to win at the start. When they first entered the house, it was like, here are five C-list celebrities and one person you'd forgotten ever existed… and that was Mark Owen. Once again, that little voice is nagging…